Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Meet Kenta Grant Maeda, KG, or da kid for short. After spending most of the day hiding under the bed, he surprised me by coming up at night and when I called his name, he eventually came over and rubbed up against me. Then he stayed with me for a long time before following Norma and then Alias around. He’s incredibly soft and floofy. And I’m guessing a real sweetheart. He did get scared when I yelled at Norma (a nightly occurrence). 


da tabbies o trout towne said...

KG, we iz buzzed happee ewe R settlin in, and R chillaxin with dad,
norma, and alias. and we reel lee like yur name “ da kid “…..itz kinda
like “ da tabbies “ 😺‼️🐟🐟💙

The Island Cats said...

So nice to meet you, KG! Hoping you adjust to your new home soon.