Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Behind the Name

Da Kid is a true sweetheart…

So how did I land on Kenta Grant Maeda? He was originally named Cary Grant by the rescue (obviously for his handsome suaveness). I thought about naming him Humphrey Bogart after my favorite actor from that era. I could call him Sir Humphrey or Bogie or Bogart all great names. I originally thought about naming Alias ‘Kenta’ because how cool has it been to have a Minnesota Twin share my surname? Mom would have been amazed. But ultimately Alias was named after a Bob Dylan movie character “what’s your name?”  “Alias anything you want…” 

I decided on Kenta Grant Maeda because Kenta sounds more like Cary than Humphrey or Bogie, and I thought he might respond to that. And he did come over when I called his name out. But also to honor our ex-Twin, and keeping Grant to honor his original name and also one of my heroes, Bud Grant (who I learned everything I know about leadership from) and also I can call him KG (after Kevin Garnett) or KG’s nickname, ‘da kid’ which honors what I called Diego-San, Thompson and Theo, ‘da Boyz’ for all those years. Kenta suits him well.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood ewe iz handsum and suave!
we think dadz choize oh yur name
iz awesum….we never liss in ta what
de gurl callz uz…..lezz shez callin uz
for dinner 🐟🐟😺‼️💚

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Kenta! You are a mighty good looking cat.
I am fairly new to my home too. My name is Winnie.
I look forward to learning more about you and how you are doing in your new home.
Purrs, Winnie