My niece told me she was watching the boyz' DVD I gave my family for Xmas. Her cat Yoko ignored the Thompson and Diego-san slideshows. When it got to Theo's slideshow Yoko immediately perked up and went and sat right in front of the TV.
Like Theo, Yoko is a peppy tuxedo cat. She obviously saw a kindred spirit.
Sorry for the picture quality here- it's a picture of a picture my niece took of the moment and my scanner isn't hooked up...
Ooooh, Yoko likes Theo! How romantic.
I wonder how she is going to ask him for a date!
Is it a tuxedo cat thing or do all cats of a feather flock together? I've observed that similar-looking cats often seem to pair up. I have a shy tuxedo foster kitten now who is almost desperately drawn to other tuxedo cats. Was her mother a tuxedo? Who knows? I think the psychology of cats is a fascinating thing.
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