Friday, October 05, 2012

Even More Scooter Stories

This is the story of how Harley taught me to talk like a sailor....

To keep myself entertained on my long scooter ride home from work I usually conduct a rambling commentary of things I see- everything from examples of horrible driving to unusual signs and business names. I'm sure it's just hilarious as I say any old thing that pops into my head.

Recently whenever I see an attractive woman I'll say, "hey bebbeh," not loud enough for anyone else to hear (hopefully).  I was trying to figure out where I got the phrase.  I'm nothing if not a pop culture sponge and most of my repertoire of one liners came from the TV show M*A*S*H.  This particular line however seemed newly learned.  That's when it occurred to me that I picked the phrase up from reading about Harley's exploits on his sister Daisy's blog.  I'm not proud of my use of Harley's pickup line and if I should happen to get slapped someday for using it, I'm going to give Harley a call.


Daisy said...

OMC, I am laughing and laughing! Harley feels like a real Mancat now. Have a good day... bebbeh.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom talks in catspeak a lot too. After 7 years it's pretty much ingrained. Mom to Dad: "Lets go out tonight and have some noms."

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

MOL, You have to wonder if that's going to work, like Joey's line "How You doin'" Then again, if you get a response, I for sure recommend as your next line "Lets go out and have some noms" ala Shaggy and Scout! That would be awesome!