Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
His Hero Houdini
What was a bigger surprise however was when I found the empty blue cone I noticed it was still completely tied together meaning Diego-san had found a way to slip his whole head through the neck sized hole. I guess after living with the world's smartest kitty for the past five years, nothing should surprise me. (Although you think he'd be smart enough to avoid walking near a klutz carrying a hot bowl of soup but that's besides the point.) What would be an even neater trick is if I come home tomorrow and find the cone not around Diego's neck but around Theo's neck instead. If that happens I'll treat Diego to a year's worth of Temptations anytime he wants them...
I may have to call the vet back and see what the other neckwear options are.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Soup Saga Continued
I think he may hold having to wear the collar against me as much as burning him in the first place seeing he takes great pride in his appearance.
The vet also said that the fur of the burn area itself likely will never grow back so we will have a permanent reminder of the great soup incident. I get upset with every ding in my Mini Cooper and every scratch on my scooter or iPhone screen. Imagine how this news made me (and Diego) feel.
I'm not sure how effective the collar is going to be in preventing Diego-san from licking the wound. He's already figured out that if he walks close to a wall, the collar will bend back giving him access to the wound again. Plus Theo immediately started licking the wound as soon as he saw the fancy collar and the bald spot.
Quite the morning in these parts.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another Trio on the Other Side of Town
This is Marabou. She's a lovely lady with a bit of a temperamental attitude. She's very sensitive about wisecracks about her figure.
And this is Bud. Bud was the happiest to see me. He's the only one who came and sat on my lap and purred away. Thanks Bud.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
He even skipped his nightly combing tonight... Sniff...
My Real Bad
I was carrying a bowl of hot soup from the kitchen to the living room and Diego-san ran up to see what I had. I tried to warn him away but the chopsticks that were sticking out of the bowl starting falling out and I tipped the bowl spilling some on Diego. He yelped and immediately ran and tried to lick the hot soup off but since I spilled it on his hind quarters he ended up running around in circles. I burned my own thumb so I think I may have burned him too as he spent the rest of the afternoon hiding underneath the piano.
I'm sorry Diego-san.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Good to Be Home
Friday, July 25, 2008
The City So Nice They Named It Twice
It was pretty much my first time in New York but we didn't have a lot of time to sight see. We did make it to Ground Zero where it truly was hard to comprehend all that was lost on that day.
We also saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island from across the harbor. We even jogged through Central Park.
Out hotel was right next to an ASPCA building. It crossed my mind that I should adopt a cat there but I think he/she might speak in a New York accent that would confuse the boyz. She/He'd also probably be a lot more street wise and tough.
Seeing Yankee Stadium was really cool even if the Twins didn't do well at all.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Not Again...
Monday, July 21, 2008
That's Too Bad

I started watching Siskel and Ebert way back when I was in high school and the show was on PBS. I've hardly missed an episode in all that time because it was always wonderful to see two guys do reviews who loved movies at least as much as I did. I love Roger's writing and I miss Gene Siskel a lot. One of the things I did when I visited Chicago last year was to stop in and see Gene's theater.
I know a lot of people were greatly saddened by Tim Russert's death and the hole that left on the long running 'Meet the Press' program. While this news doesn't directly relate to a death (Gene died in 1999 and Roger hasn't appeared on the show in two years due to health issues), today it feels as if I've lost a lifelong friend.
On Demand
Every night as I'm getting ready for bed he follows me upstairs and meows and bellows until I get his comb. Then I spend several moments combing his long hair. He rolls around making sure I don't miss any spots and his purring gets louder and louder. After we are done he often sits there belly side up looking as if he owns the world.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wake Up Theo
I washed my hands and forgot that today was laundry day and I had washed the towels without replacing them. So I went off to get some clean towels and saw Theo sitting innocently on a pile of clothes I hadn't put in the washer yet. I naturally shook my wet hands above him. In a very delayed reaction he jumped up startled. It wasn't an "I'm getting wet I have to move" reaction. It was almost as if he first had to process that water shouldn't be hitting him from where he sat and that maybe he should move.
I'm so mean.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I'll Do My Own Grooming Thank You
I would think it would feel good to lose some of that excess fur but apparently not.
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Own All Star Game
An old girlfriend once told me the happiest she ever saw me was running around on the softball field. That was around 20 years ago and I'm not sure she was trying to compliment me. But I also am not sure that what she said wasn't true then and still isn't true now. Of course coming home to the sight of three wound up kitties would have to rank up there on the list as well.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wrong Lesson
I wonder if he picked this habit up from me, because the only door I consistently close on the boyz is the bathroom door.
Last night I decided to teach Theo a hard lesson when he went in the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I decided I was going to leave him in there for a long time even if he started mewing and crying to be let out. So I was watching some TV and heard him meow. And meow. And meow. I did nothing.
It dawned on me however that Diego has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom sleeping on the tile in the hot summer air. Since I hadn't seen him for a while it occurred to me that he might be an innocent victim in this attempt to teach somebody else a lesson.
A few more minutes went by and then I heard this big crash as if someone let the glass shower door swing quickly shut. I got up and opened the bathroom door to find the sight of Diego-san hanging half over the shower door. He had launched himself from the nearby sink in an attempt to see what was behind the glass shower door. He clearly didn't know what to do seeing the length of the drop and the difficulty and strength needed for pulling himself all the way over the door. This was the second time he had attempted this brave exploration and the thought briefly entered my mind that I was going to try to teach another kitty the consequences of doing something he really shouldn't do and leaving him to find his own way out of the mess. But I decided that would be mean and I helped him down. I even opened the shower door to let him see that there really is nothing that interesting on the other side.
I don't know what to do about Theo's unexplainable need for a little bathroom privacy.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
All Stars
Here Theo is showing his best diving after a ground ball imitation.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Ledge
The problem is the ledge is somewhat accessible to Thompson and Theo. But I don't particularly like when those two try to leap up because if they misjudge their leaps they can tumble down the height of the stairs- probably over a ten foot drop. Thompson of course lacks the necessary balance to always stop himself quickly after a jump. Theo just plain misjudges many of his jumps. He actually did fly over the ledge once and I'm not sure exactly how far he fell but luckily he escaped uninjured. There's really no way to say the ledge is off limits since it is out in the open. Talking reason into T and T hasn't worked yet. Here of course is a picture of Diego mocking somebody downstairs.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sun Bed
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It was bound to happen sooner or later and I'm not kidding myself that riding a scooter in the city can be more than a little treacherous. As some of the kitties in this house can attest to first hand, the world can be an awfully dangerous place.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

The boyz are particularly grateful and think it makes up for all the times I've scolded them to do something entertaining that could be posted on the blog.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Sandman Cometh
That's why it puzzles me that Diego-san has no resistance to the sandman. I'm constantly having to clean the eye boogers away, an activity Diego doesn't particularly care for. I wish he could learn to swat that darn sandman away because I gotta believe Theo is a much nicer visitor.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Hot Enough for You?
Monday, July 07, 2008
My Backup Alarm Clock
Yesterday morning he let me sleep in. I looked up and it was past ten o'clock. He must have known I've been extra tired (and cranky) so he decided a little sleep wouldn't hurt me.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Cover Those Ears
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Boom Boom
Friday, July 04, 2008
Theo's Magic
Well this last time he managed to do something quite magical- as he began his sprint the lights went on! I don't have motion detectors or the "clapper" just an old fashioned on/off switch so I'm not sure how this feat was accomplished. Suffice to say I was quite impressed.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Who's Hipper?
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Tripod Club Update
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