Every night as I'm getting ready for bed he follows me upstairs and meows and bellows until I get his comb. Then I spend several moments combing his long hair. He rolls around making sure I don't miss any spots and his purring gets louder and louder. After we are done he often sits there belly side up looking as if he owns the world.
Diego-san, you look so fluffy!! My mommy said she would love to feel your fluffy-ness!!!
I wish I had more furs like you so I could get combed more often!
Oh how cute Diego-san. We've never ever let our mom comb us. NO way! We have never met a kitty before that liked it before you!
Grayson loves being brushed. All he has to do is see it or hear Mom tap it on the table and here he comes! Gandalf likes it, but Grayson LOVES it!
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