I pretty much got Mr. Max within weeks of getting my very own place to live for the first time. I was renting a tiny efficiency so getting a dog really wasn't an option. Of course since then I've become a full fledged card carrying cat person rather than a dog person.
So last night I was out in my front yard watering the boulevard grass in front of my house. I turned to see two teenagers with baseball caps turned askew, tatoos and cigarettes walking what appeared to be a dalmation. As they passed me one of the kids said, "I hope you're not allergic to dogs." I said I wasn't and thanked them for asking. I thought it was quite polite to ask the question not that there was much that could've been done had I been allergic.
I continued watering and turned to look at where the kids and their dog had gone and noticed a trail of dog "leftovers" all the way down the sidewalk in front of my house. So while the kids had seemed polite, they weren't exactly following the city ordinance that requires a dog owner to clean up after their dog.
After I was done cleaning up the mess I wondered if their question had anything to do with a medical condition that causes the dog to leave a trail wherever he walks... It was just kinda a bizarre exchange. All and all though it made me glad I am a cat person...
Cats, of course are superior to Dogs! We would never leave a trail of "leftovers" behind us!
Dogs are so uncouth! Kellie is right, we would never leave a dirty trail like that behind us. P.U.!
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