I was watering the plants in front of my house (hostas, lillies, licorice, etc.) when I noticed something small scamper behind my cone flower. It was too big to be a mouse so I thought it might be a chipmunk. But as I got a closer look I saw that it was a little baby rabbit.
As I kept watering the plants several more bunnies hopped out. They were pretty darn cute. When I went back in the house I told the boyz about the lil bunnies. None of the boyz seemed that impressed.
Better that way. You may have read about Cricket, my roof-wandering cat. She occasionally climbs down to the ground via a neighbor's tree, and I found her crouched over one of those wabbits a few weeks ago. No harm, no foul, but she's been grounded since then. And I don't mean the ground outside. Just as well the boyz didn't get a close-up!
Oh, baby rabbits are so cute! Did you bring one inside to show the boyz? No, I guess that probably wouldn't be a good idea.
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