Thompson doesn't like to be held down so to comb him I always wait until he's in a relaxed, lounging condition. The other day I looked at where he'd been sitting on the couch and noticed a pile of fur of the amount that I probably could have knitted a fur coat had I been so inclined. So last night I decided it was time to give him a good combing. I waited until he was settled in for the night, lying in his favorite cat bed underneath the ceiling fan that was providing a little bit of relief from the sticky summer air.
I couldn't believe how much fur came off Thompson during the combing. The comb kept clogging up and I'd clean the bristles only to have to clean them again with about five more strokes. I could tell Thompson was glad to be shedding a little of his coat as he lie perfectly still glad for all the attention.
Combing feels good! But I am like Theo:I get overly excited and try to bite the brush.
Kellie LOVES to be brushed. She sometimes gets excited and bites the brush and also tries to grab the hair out of the brush and eat it. I usually use two brushes, one to keep her head occupied and the other for me to brush her with - it does take some co-ordination : )
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