Saturday, May 31, 2008
Speed Racer
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Cost of Diego-san
So far so good. I opened the windows a bit this evening and Diego-san sat up against the new screening but didn't try to rip holes in it.
Cost for the new screening for five screens? $133.16. Ouch.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Temptations Update
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My Ferdinand
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Back from Cut Bank, MT

It was a fun trip. Traveling by train is a very good way to see the country. We played a lot of Yahtzee and dominoes and watched a lot of movies. Of course the boyz were none too pleased to spend Memorial Day weekend alone but even Diego-san has somewhat forgiven me.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
We Win
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Last night I finally decided to investigate the matter. I unscrewed the water stopper so I could have a better look down the drain. I had a pair of tweezers and I reached down to see what I could grab. To my surprise there was a ton of hair clogging the sink. I do not have very long hair and I don't wash my hair in the sink so it kind of surprised me to find so much hair. Then it dawned on me... those are the sinks the boyz like to drink water from and since the boyz's hair is everywhere in the house, it should have come as no surprise to find cat hair in the drain. The telltale sign was much of it was the length of Diego's fur which tends to be longer than my own hair.
I grabbed as much as I could with the tweezers but the water still didn't drain very well. So I got a chopstick and pushed the remaining clumps down as far as I could. Sure enough puddles of water do not form every time I turn on my faucets anymore.
Mission accomplished.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
For awhile there she and I discussed maybe getting a restraining order against Diego because every time she visits he all but mugs her (with affection).
The party was at a nice pasta bar near the University of Minnesota. The groom-to-be stepped up to the mike when the band was between songs and thanked us all for coming noting how nice it was for so many friends and family to be gathered. He began to joke about the wedding date because it wasn't announced and then decided he should wait until his bride-to-be (who was nowhere in sight) was around so they could announce the date together. He went to look for her and when they returned they were all decked out in wedding clothes. They brought out a justice of the peace and were married. It was quite the surprise and kinda cool.
Of course I was a bit reluctant to tell Diego-san what happened.
PSSSST: He'll find out this weekend when she comes over to feed the fellas...Pssst.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
All The Rage
Ever since I started reading other cat related blogs I've learned that the fashionable treats to give to kitties are Temptations. Up until now I have not broken down and gotten some for the boyz. Their treat is Max Cat gourmet kitty treats that promises to help against tartar buildup. I originally started them on those specific treats in honor of the original kitty of the house, the late great Mr. Max. The boyz definitely enjoy the treats more than their normal food. They get treats whenever I treat myself to a latte from the coffee place across the street. Well I ran out of Max Cat gourmet kitty treats and I didn't have time to run up to the pet store so I ran to the closer Target store. There I didn't find the normal treats but did see Temptations.
So I bought some.
This morning was the first time the boyz got to try Temptations and there were mixed results. Theo and Thompson ate the treats but not with the normal enthusiasm they show toward their regular brand. Diego-san played with his treats and seemed reluctant to even give them a try. When Theo finished his treats and headed over for Diego's, that is when Diego decided he'd better eat the Temptations.
Everything I've read indicates this stuff is like candy for kitties so we'll see how enthusiastic the boyz are next time around.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Cleaning Frenzy
This has been especially dangerous the past few months as I decided I'm not going to just give in on the war against cat hair. So I've purchased just about every miracle floor cleaning device that has appeared on my TV screen. The Swivel Sweeper works well but clogs up with the boyz fur pretty quickly. The Shark Sweeper is much more powerful than the Swivel Sweeper and actually works well on not only my rugs, but my upstairs carpet. The problem with the Shark Sweeper is it is too big to get underneath a couple of my couches and doesn't do well in corners. My latest purchase is the Shark Steamer. I tried it today on my kitchen floor and unfortunately it didn't seem to leave it as sparkly as seen on TV.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Daddy's Home... Time to Scratch
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Charmer
I responded to the post mentioning how lucky I was to find Diego-san. Katie mentioned that she almost adopted Diego before I did but settled on another cat. That got me thinking how truly fortunate I was to find both Diego and Thompson and later Theo. All three have added so much to my life that it is impossible to think what my life would've been like had we not found each other. I remember before I decided to adopt Thompson and Diego that I visited them at a showing at the local Petco store. I had almost made up my mind at that point, but didn't want to make too hasty a decision because quite frankly I was still mourning the loss of their predecessor (and my good buddy), Mr. Max.
When I got to Petco I wasn't even able to spend time with Diego and Thompson because a lot of people were visiting them. I noticed most people were paying far more attention to Diego and he was soaking it all in. I was impressed by how social he was but my decision was made because I knew the shelter wanted the two adopted together and I truly wanted to be the one to give Thompson a good home. After I got back home I immediately called the person in charge of adoption and committed to the two. I've never regretted that decision. Diego-san and I have had our moments over the last five years mainly related to who is in charge, but by the end of the day he is the one that makes sure I know he greatly appreciates his home.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ants Update
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Stress Free
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We Got Ants
Thompson's chore is to make sure none of the boyz throws up on my carpet or rugs. It's OK if they throw up on the kitchen or bathroom tile, or on the basement cement floor or even on my wood floors. Those are much easier to clean then my carpet and rugs. For the most part Thompson has done an effective job supervising this activity.
Diego's job relates to his ability to spot bugs. He is responsible to make sure the house is bug free. Again he does a good job at spotting the bugs but I mostly have to be the one to remove them from the house.
During the dozen years I've lived in my house I haven't seen many ants get inside. When I came home Friday afternoon I noticed a string of ants crawling around my kitchen sink. I got rid of any I saw but the next day when I got home there were ants crawling around the crumbs of cat food near the boyz dinner dishes. My theory of course is that Diego deliberately shirked his duties as revenge for me leaving him alone for a period of time, once again. Thankfully it seems like (hopefully) it was a temporary infestation because I haven't seen many ants in the house the past couple of days...
Monday, May 12, 2008
I Heart Amanda
Scooted to the cemetery to visit my mom. I can't believe it's been almost nine years since she died. She never got to meet the boyz but she was a good grandma to the late great Mr. Max.
Then at night Thompson, Theo, and I watched the season finale of Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites. This season got much better as it went on but we were all pretty disappointed that Amanda lost to Parvati. Finishing second in the last two seasons of the show Amanda has proven she just isn't very good at the jury part of the game...
P.S. Diego-san showed who would win a game of Survivor in our house. He organized a walk out at bedtime. I was getting ready for bed and just as we got to the time when the boyz usually claim their spots for the night he walked by Thompson, looked at him and then the two of them went downstairs to join Theo. It's like they had a meeting when I wasn't here and this was what was agreed upon...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Unusual Alliance
Friday, May 09, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
House Meeting
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Memoir Meme
Chica and Pumuckl tagged Theo for a memoir meme. Here are the rules:
1. Write your own six-word memoir
2. Post on your blog, and add a picture, if you'd like
3. Link to the one who sent it to you
4. Tag at least five (or less!) more blogs
5. Let the tagged blogs know by leaving a comment
Here is Theo's memoir:
What good is life without play?

Theo thanks Chica and Pumuckl for playing with him and would like to tag Moki and Orange Boy and anyone else who'd like to play...
1. Write your own six-word memoir
2. Post on your blog, and add a picture, if you'd like
3. Link to the one who sent it to you
4. Tag at least five (or less!) more blogs
5. Let the tagged blogs know by leaving a comment
Here is Theo's memoir:
What good is life without play?
Theo thanks Chica and Pumuckl for playing with him and would like to tag Moki and Orange Boy and anyone else who'd like to play...
Monday, May 05, 2008
Thompson is my window boy and he sees the sunshine and knows after the long winter this is the time of year he usually gets to finally breathe in the fresh air. He looks at me with his sad eyes and I'll be the first to admit I've been derelict in my homeowner duties.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Eight Belles
I really had hoped to take a tour of Churchill Downs early in the spring when I was in Louisville. Unfortunately i didn't have time. I particularly wanted to see the new statue of Barbaro the horse that was euthanized after an unsuccessful attempt at fixing a broken leg suffered at the Preakness.
Yesterday the boyz and I settled in to watch this year's Derby and I was saddened by yet another devastating injury. Eight Belles, the only filly in the race, broke both of her front ankles at the finish line and was immediately euthanized on the track. I think my sympathy for the horses has only increased after adopting two boys who suffered leg injuries themselves. What a sad day.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Actually I identified the smell as strawberry lotion so he must have slept on an article of clothing or something that had some lotion on it. Suffice it to say for at least one evening, Theo was probably the best smelling kitty in all the upper Midwest.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The Ever Defiant One
He wasn't down there long however when he came running back up the stairs. His next move surprised even me. As he was running by Theo's dinner dish, he turned his head, stopped, and ate a couple morsels before continuing on into the living room. Um, I think that may have been a symbolic middle finger gesture directed at me.
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