Ever since I started reading other cat related blogs I've learned that the fashionable treats to give to kitties are Temptations. Up until now I have not broken down and gotten some for the boyz. Their treat is Max Cat gourmet kitty treats that promises to help against tartar buildup. I originally started them on those specific treats in honor of the original kitty of the house, the late great Mr. Max. The boyz definitely enjoy the treats more than their normal food. They get treats whenever I treat myself to a latte from the coffee place across the street. Well I ran out of Max Cat gourmet kitty treats and I didn't have time to run up to the pet store so I ran to the closer Target store. There I didn't find the normal treats but did see Temptations.
So I bought some.
This morning was the first time the boyz got to try Temptations and there were mixed results. Theo and Thompson ate the treats but not with the normal enthusiasm they show toward their regular brand. Diego-san played with his treats and seemed reluctant to even give them a try. When Theo finished his treats and headed over for Diego's, that is when Diego decided he'd better eat the Temptations.
Everything I've read indicates this stuff is like candy for kitties so we'll see how enthusiastic the boyz are next time around.
Cats are creatures of habit, above all.
I pulled a fast one on mine, though. Any treats get to be very expensive when you have as many borders as I do, so I first conditioned them to fish their treats out of a puzzle box, then I switched to a combination of kibble that looks like treats (they like Fancy Feast the best) and dental kibble (I think it's Hill's t/d). Much more economical, better or them overall, and they still go bonkers when I put a scoop of "treats" in the box for their fishing pleasure.
Heh, heh.
Hmm, I cannot imagine not going bonkers for Temptations!
I love Temptations - much better than any of the treats that SS can get here. Unfortunately they are not generally available in Australia. SS hasn't been able to get them at the supermarkets or any nearby pet stores yet. My ones were sent over by kitty friends from the US who insist I should try them. I am glad I did!
Oh, I can't understand why the boyz didn't go bonkers for Temptations! They are the best, maybe they just don't like change, they will eventually grow to LOVE them.
Not loving Temptations? Unfathomable!
All of us here think they are 'da bomb!
I like the idea of making the boyz work for their treats. I'm not sure I'll be able to trick them though. They are pretty smart when it comes to food.
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