1. Write your own six-word memoir
2. Post on your blog, and add a picture, if you'd like
3. Link to the one who sent it to you
4. Tag at least five (or less!) more blogs
5. Let the tagged blogs know by leaving a comment
Here is Theo's memoir:
What good is life without play?
Theo thanks Chica and Pumuckl for playing with him and would like to tag Moki and Orange Boy and anyone else who'd like to play...
Oh, truer words were never meowed.
That's a great Meme! Thank you, Theo!
The photo is a great shot of Theo's white dribble down his chin which led to his foster name of Drib!
Theo, I can tell you are a deep thinker!
That is a good 6 word meme and fits Theo purrfectly!
Thanks Theo, we'll have to start working on it!
That's a great memoir for Theo. I think it fits him perfectly.
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