Thompson's chore is to make sure none of the boyz throws up on my carpet or rugs. It's OK if they throw up on the kitchen or bathroom tile, or on the basement cement floor or even on my wood floors. Those are much easier to clean then my carpet and rugs. For the most part Thompson has done an effective job supervising this activity.
Diego's job relates to his ability to spot bugs. He is responsible to make sure the house is bug free. Again he does a good job at spotting the bugs but I mostly have to be the one to remove them from the house.
During the dozen years I've lived in my house I haven't seen many ants get inside. When I came home Friday afternoon I noticed a string of ants crawling around my kitchen sink. I got rid of any I saw but the next day when I got home there were ants crawling around the crumbs of cat food near the boyz dinner dishes. My theory of course is that Diego deliberately shirked his duties as revenge for me leaving him alone for a period of time, once again. Thankfully it seems like (hopefully) it was a temporary infestation because I haven't seen many ants in the house the past couple of days...
I love how you have assigned jobs to the boyz. Maybe Diego-san has forgiven you and is back to keeping the house bug-free. Ants can be tricky. Once they have found an entry into your house, they can keep coming back.
Great idea to assign them such tasks! It's important to give your kitties some responsibilities! :)
Now that Chica is a bit weak Pumuckl has taken over her job as a fly hunter. Recently we are facing a fly invasion to our home so he is a great help.
When we first moved into our new house we had ants despite a quarterly bug service. They were "crazy ants" and always got into our cat foods. Anyway, it took about 2 months to finally get rid of the ants. In the meantime, we got something called the "Antser." It's a plastic tray that you put the cat food on. The inside is filled with water and a little liquid detergent. The ants cannot cross the water barrier. It's completely harmless for cats, and deters all ants!
See! If you shirk your responsibilities - Diego has no choice but to shirk his. You only have yourself to blame : )
I am so impressed that you actually got the boyz trained!
Kellie the orange cat is most astute, I must say!
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