One of the tasks at the top of the list is having all the screens fixed that Diego-san tore a hole in last fall. I have to have that done before I open the windows. Today almost felt warm enough to crack the windows open a bit- it was 48 degrees driving home and it felt downright balmy with all the sunshine especially since it seemed like such a long winter. I actually did have my car windows down for much of my trip home.
I owe it to Thompson to get the screens fixed as the warmer weather arrives. He's my window boy and I'm sure he's itching for a sniff of fresh air. Fixing the screens means going to the hardware store to see if they have a thicker gauge of screen that can't be torn so easily by cat's claws while still maintaining an adequate level of transparency. There's a life lesson/analogy in there somewhere- something about finding the strength to not get torn up while still maintaining emotional balance- but I'm too tired to make the effort to figure that out...
They do indeed have a screening that is called "pet proof" it's actually a plastic coated nylon fiber. It's a little more expensive but well worth it. It's see thru but tuff, stretching and then springing back when a cat hangs on it.
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy have a great idea. I hope you can find it for your screens. Thompson will love you for it.
We have the pet proof screening on some of our windows (whichever screens Kesey destroyed). You can't see in as well from the outside, but we don't really notice a difference from the inside. They are a little more difficult to roll into the frame (Daddy had to help), but they last a long time. Some of ours have been up for 8 years.
None of our windows have screens, because it is usually too humid to open the windows. And the view is better without screens. But I would enjoy sniffing the Outside.
I just go outside. Someone put cushion on the dark chair on the porch so now I have a little bed outside too.
Thanks Zippy, Sadie and Speedie. I wonder if they have it here in Australia. I have to go and look. In addition to scratching, Momo hangs on the window screens on all fours and they don't last too long even though she is not a particularly heavy kitty.
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