The IT guy at work told me that a duck somehow got into his house this morning and his roommate was struggling to figure out a way to get the duck back outside. I imagine the boyz would welcome such excitement in our home.
The closest we ever get to that experience is when Thompson does his duck imitation- a squawk like meow he sometimes does to express a bit of displeasure, usually when I'm mocking him (in a loving way).
A duck in the house! That sounds like fun for cats... for beans not really :)
The ducks around here are big and bite very hard. I am afraid of them.
Yes, I also think I would enjoy a duck in the house. Just one, though.
A duck! That is very funny! My Mum saw on the news the other day that a lady had an alligator in her kitchen! I would prefer the duck.
We have geese at The Swamp, but I do not think Mom would be pleased to have them in the house!
I find myself wondering how a bird as big as a duck got into someone's house. I think the boyz would enjoy the experience very much.
A duck in a house with 3 cats - that would be interesting, not to mention about the commotion it would bring.
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