Ever since I got back from my dog sitting duties last month my empty suitcase has been sitting out in the open in my spare bedroom. It usually is stored in my closet upstairs but for whatever reason I just haven't gotten around to putting it away. I think one of the reasons is I was sorta hoping the boyz would get used to it and comfortable that it's just something else in the house so when I need to make my next trip they won't freak out when I pull the suitcase out. Truthfully I hadn't given it much thought and it was probably out of laziness that the suitcase hadn't been put away.
So last night for some reason I got a cleaning bug. I vacuumed all my rugs and cleaned the kitchen. I went into the bedroom to put the suitcase away. I bent down to lift it expecting it to be empty light, and was stunned that it weighed more than it should. Indeed, Theo was hidden inside. I don't know how he telepathically laid this trick out but I almost fell forward with the unexpected weight of the suitcase.
Good one Theo. Job well done.
Hehehe, great hiding spot Theo!
Sometimes we have telepathy. Sometimes we do not.
Evidently tomorrow, we have Francisco Liriano but I think Bean is more please Toby is coming back for the season.
Hehehehe. A feline simply cannot resist an open drawer, bad, closet or a suitcase. It's just extra cute when we fool the humans.
Theo learned Mind Control! That is a trick I would like to learn.
Oh Theo, that was a good one! I can just see David's face when he tried to pick up that suitcase - well done my friend!
Theo indeed caught the right moment! But aren't such unexpected things the reasons why we love our cats so much?
Maybe this is Theo's way of saying he wanted to come with you in your next trip.
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