I've gone over our house's severe weather plan with the boyz. When the civil defense sirens blare the boyz and I are to go to the basement for shelter. Unfortunately when the sirens do go off (they tested them today) Thompson and Theo tend to get alarmed and head upstairs where they feel the safest. Diego tends to continue doing whatever he was doing.
In other words, it's a work in progress.
One's gotta do what one's gotta do. We don't have tornado warnings ... the worst we get is Santa Ana winds an' brush fires.
Be safe!
Scaredy Momo goes into hiding when there is a fire drill on. Sheesh!
I hope your work progresses and that you can round up the cats if you ever need to.
Tornado Drill... Wow, I am happy we don't have tornadoes here.
We don't have basement, so I just hide under the bed.
Toby make three errors in one game yesterday. Three. And Bean tell me I've been acting badly? Hah!
Any loud noise and I am under the bed!
I don't think we have any types of drills, that sounds very scary - I would head upstairs with Thompson and Theo.
It's always best to be prepared. Keep working at it until you get it right, after all "practice makes purfect..."
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