The closest we ever get to that experience is when Thompson does his duck imitation- a squawk like meow he sometimes does to express a bit of displeasure, usually when I'm mocking him (in a loving way).
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Duck Duck Grey Duck
The closest we ever get to that experience is when Thompson does his duck imitation- a squawk like meow he sometimes does to express a bit of displeasure, usually when I'm mocking him (in a loving way).
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I ran downstairs calling his name thinking to myself he had somehow gotten trapped inside the duct work. My basement was semi-finished (framed and sheet rocked) last summer so most of the furnace and duct work is not nearly as accessible as it used to be. I peered behind the furnace but could only hear Diego not see him. I scolded him and told him to come on out. A minute later he appeared above on the framing to where a bathroom will go if I ever do finish off the basement.
I have no idea what he was up to, what he got himself into. Further I have no idea, how Diego-san, the boy who gets into everything got himself up to an area above my head but without anywhere I can think of that's easily accessible by a leaping kitty.
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Victim of Routine
Usually the boyz dinner routine is proceeded by me cleaning out their litter boxes downstairs. Since I didn't have a lot of time I skipped that and just put the food out. This completely threw Theo for a loop. He didn't know if he should begin eating. He didn't know what dish was his. He sat there looking dumbfounded that the routine was thrown out the window. I placed him by his dish and told him things were OK as I headed out the door... Poor Theo.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Another Surprise
P.S. I.O.U. paid. I've pretty much spent the past 48 hours home with the boyz. Never let it be said I don't pay my debts.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The New Heavyweight
The big news is that Diego gained a pound and a half the past year and is up to 14 pounds. He thus surpassed Thompson who gained half a pound to just under 14 pounds.
I was a bit worried about having to schedule a teeth cleaning appointment for Thompson since last year the vet said he'd probably need his teeth cleaned this year. But she said other than the tartar building on his back teeth overall his teeth and gums looked OK. I did end up buying some toothpaste. We'll see how that goes. I tried brushing the late great Mr. Max's teeth years back but that didn't last very long. Max loved the taste of the toothpaste so very little ended up on his teeth.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tornado Drill
In other words, it's a work in progress.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Born to Be Wild

My Buddy is powerful enough to be classified as a motorcycle under Minnesota law. For the past year I've ridden my Buddy with a permit that I got by just taking a written test. Today I went in to take the road test to earn my motorcycle license. Going in I had been told the road test was not easy. A couple of people I talked with failed the test the first time around.
I was fifth in line when I arrived at the DMV. The first guy to take the test did so on a big old Harley. He struggled through the portion of the test where you have to zig zag between some cones that were not placed very far apart. You weren't allowed to put your foot down when slaloming through the course and this guy did so several times and ended up failing. The next guy in line took the test on a sporty Honda. He also failed to survive the obstacle course.
So the rest of us in line were talking nervously amongst ourselves. Next up was a motorcyclist who passed. The next guy who had a scooter also passed. On my test I put my foot down once during the zig zag course. On my quick stop I hit my brakes too soon and was marked down for that. And then on my quick swerve I clipped the last cone on the course. I thought for sure with that I had failed the test. But the instructor told me I had passed ("just barely.") So now I have my motorcycle license. And I'm officially a bad ass.
Of course I looked kind of silly with my dainty lil scooter in line with these big guys on big old motorcycles. I'll look even sillier if I ever find a side car I can put the the boyz in, goggle them up and take them for a ride. But that would be well worth it...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Foot Stepper
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Smarts Too
Thompson too has some smarts to him. He's very observant. His latest 'watch Diego, see what Diego does, see what gets Diego into trouble and then go far enough with getting in trouble himself' is at meal times. Diego gets scolded for nudging Theo aside before Theo is finished eating and then finishing Theo's meal for him. Thompson has learned to watch Theo patiently knowing Theo often leaves food in his dish when he walks away. Thompson has learned I don't feel it's fair to yell at him (or Diego) once Theo walks away since I can't monitor the food all day to ensure Theo gets his share of what is distributed. I've never seen Thompson try to nudge Theo out of the way. He's very patient and his patience has paid off with a little extra food here and there.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Misfits
I fell in love with Marilyn the first time I saw the movie. By all accounts she was in a rapidly deteriorating condition during the filming. Yet she's able to give such a convincing performance. The thing that made me fall for her was her character's sadness over the mistreatment and killing of animals. That someone could get so upset over the killing of a rabbit seemed odd to me the first time I watched The Misfits. I've reached a place in my own life where I can read news story after news story about human tragedy and death and I barely blink an eye. But whenever I read a story about an animal being hurt or killed I tear up. I don't know if that's progress or a slide down into misfitisdom.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Kindred Roomies
Yesterday as I arrived home and was rounding the side of the house I saw Theo excitedly jump up on the cat tree positioned next to the side window. Unfortunately the cat tree is a little bit higher than the window ledge and Theo lost his balance as a paw slipped off the tree. He bonked his head against the window. This immediately brought to mind my stitches experience.
I have a special place in my heart for Theo. Being the youngest of five kids in my family I think I sometimes struggled with figuring out where I fit in while at the same time feeling the need to be the entertainer of the family. I often think Theo is in a similar position. He doesn't quite know if Diego-san and Thompson accept him and he tags along with one of them just like a little brother. Sometimes Thompson, Diego, and I will be lounging around when Theo feels the need to tear around the room to liven things up. Here is a photo of Theo's special time with me- as I get home and go to the kitchen table to open the mail he loves to rub his face against me as he purrs and purrs. It's the nicest of ways to come home...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hissed Off

I was just about to have a hissy fit about getting hissed at when I looked closer at the goose. She was guarding a nest of eggs. My bad. Mother Goose had every right to be protective and concerned about my intrusion...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Badly Needed Fresh Air
Besides, who could not feel well when you come home to this scene? Temperatures neared 70 degrees yesterday afternoon so I was finally able to air out the house. The boyz were appreciative.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Amazing One
Monday, April 14, 2008
Not a Ween Fan
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Oh No CO?
Actually, he also hissed at me for the first time. He was sleeping on my chest and I reached over to get a bottle of water on the coffee table. I don't know if I startled him, or if the plastic bottle rubbing against the table made some noise he didn't like, but he hissed (albeit it was a small tiny hiss).
The hiss and his Monday behavior, plus his vomiting a couple of times this week made me think that maybe he isn't feeling well either. I got a bit of a scare Friday afternoon when I went back to the doctor to have my hemoglobin level retested. While I was waiting, I Googled "cause of high hemoglobin" and one of the first listings mentioned carbon monoxide poisoning. Given my observation that Theo might not be feeling well, the thought flashed in my mind that we were all being poisoned by a bad furnace or something. When I got home I moved my carbon monoxide detector to different spots in the house including by the furnace and the reading remained zero. I am still paranoid since how does one know if one's carbon monoxide detector is functioning properly?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A Beach Dream
Then I woke up.
The boyz and I want to wish one of my all time favorite humans, Stephanie Jane, a very happy 40th birthday.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm No Doctor but I Play One in the Blog
Given my hypochondriac nature I of course immediately concluded I'm going to die of high hemoglobin. Maybe it's a silent killer. If I was feeling better I'd probably be all riled up but I don't have the energy. So I'll wait until the doctor contacts me to help me know what the test results really mean.
A friend forwarded me this article from the New York Times. Given my logic for the number of cats in my house I've often told friends I'm on my way to being one of those people that they find living with 200 cats. I'm not sure if the tests they did on Monday would detect this 'cat lady' parasite or not....
P.S. Our local weather forecast calls for 5 to 7 inches of snow over the next 24 hours. Blippin %$^&#!!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Good Kind of Tired
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Sick Day
I must've interrupted Theo's schedule because he was out of hand all morning long. I was trying to take a nap and he'd go off into another room and cry and cry. I'd eventually go and check on him and eventually he'd quiet down. Then he'd pester Diego for a bit before finding another room to go cry in. Maybe it was just his way of letting me know he was worried about me but he was just a few steps away from the unprecedented option of locking him in a room upstairs... Good thing it didn't come to that. I would have felt even worse.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
For Emily Whenever I May Find Her
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Mickey once you have posted it.
The nearest book is the one I happen to be reading at the moment, Ann Patchett's Truth and Beauty. Turning to page 123, here are the sentences:
"I have to meet with my philanthropist."
"Oh," she said dreamily, "your philanthropist. You promise that you told him all about your talented friend?"
I'm currently reading the book because I took a short story writing class last winter and the story written by one of my classmates that completely blew me away reminded some of my classmates of Patchett's Truth and Beauty. Since I had not read the book I added it to my list of books to read.
I'll tag Kellie, Diamond, Karen Jo, Momo, and Daisy.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Feets Too: No Country for Old Men
I was sitting in my office with the door closed and I heard the pitter patter of feet in the hallway. I looked underneath the door and saw two feet. I knew from the size they were Diego's. We couldn't have done the scene any better.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Amazing Feets
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Coming and Going
Friday, April 04, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A Different Kind of Fight
Theo was bugging him so Diego climbed up so he was seated just a little bit above Theo. He raised his right paw and proceeded to whap Theo on the forehead. He continued doing this as Theo looked up at him dazed, head bent as if to say, 'ow that hurts' but he refused to move away from the whapping.
Actually Diego might have added this to his fight arsenal by watching Thompson. It's a move that is almost necessary for Thompson to defend himself. He stands on his back legs and uses his lone front paw to keep either Theo or Diego at a distance.I have yet to see Theo use the hammer hit yet preferring instead to chase, tackle, and wrestle.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Good One
Ever since I got back from my dog sitting duties last month my empty suitcase has been sitting out in the open in my spare bedroom. It usually is stored in my closet upstairs but for whatever reason I just haven't gotten around to putting it away. I think one of the reasons is I was sorta hoping the boyz would get used to it and comfortable that it's just something else in the house so when I need to make my next trip they won't freak out when I pull the suitcase out. Truthfully I hadn't given it much thought and it was probably out of laziness that the suitcase hadn't been put away.
So last night for some reason I got a cleaning bug. I vacuumed all my rugs and cleaned the kitchen. I went into the bedroom to put the suitcase away. I bent down to lift it expecting it to be empty light, and was stunned that it weighed more than it should. Indeed, Theo was hidden inside. I don't know how he telepathically laid this trick out but I almost fell forward with the unexpected weight of the suitcase.
Good one Theo. Job well done.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Rougher... I Don't Even Know Her
Yesterday I noticed what looked like some eye discharge on Thompson's nose. So I tried to remove it and saw it was a cut. Maybe I should be refereeing the nightly wrestling matches a little bit closer...
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