A2 emailed me and told me that her first day of feeding the boyz went well although she called Diego "Theo" which he apparently responded to. I'm surprised he didn't hiss and spit at her for the faux pas. She said Diego/"Theo" was extremely friendly and curious. I guess those traits survive no matter what name he's called.
They are just lulling you into a false sense of security before completely destroying everything in your house!
Next time the boyz might need to wear name tags.
I am with Daisy, I think name tags might be in order.
I am very suprised that Diego put up with being called Theo too!
The doggies look very cute, they are lucky to have you looking after them.
I don't know .... I respond to any name if there is a treat involved. You can just tell I was a stray from way back and still retain survival traits.
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