This time around the boyz have a new food person coming by to fill up their ever important dinner dishes. A2 was the late great Mr. Max's all time favorite person but she has only met Diego-san and Thompson once and hasn't met Theo yet. I know they will like her a lot. She has a very calming presence.
Oh no, not a cat feeder. How stressful. Actually I am sure you boys will be fine, and will wait for your mom to get home.
Man, you are on the road a lot. I think you should be prohibited from leaving the house from now on!
I am with Diamond. You need to stay home with the boyz at all times!
I still find it puzzling why you leave the boyz to babysit for dogs and have them babysat by someone else.
Why doesn't the cat-sitter just babysit the dogs? Cut out the middleman?
A cat needs their beans home at all times!
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