The story ends with the following quote: "McPherson offers this advice to would-be pet bloggers: 'Try to see the world through your pet's perspective,' she says. 'It's his or her blog, after all. If you want the blog to be from your own point of view, do your own!'"
Since this blog is about the boyz but I'm too mean to let the boyz blog themselves, I thought I'd provide a little history in my defense.
I began this blog over two years ago after my part-time gig as a newsletter editor/writer for a local music company ended. For twelve years I wrote a weekly pop culture oriented column for the newsletter. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. After losing that outlet I thought about taking a break from writing but after a few months I found I really missed having to write something. So I decided to start a blog.
I didn't want it to be my newsletter column part two but something completely different. And though I wrote a lot about the boyz in the newsletter (and their predecessor the late great Mr. Max) I figured my next big project would be to write the great contemporary children's book to go along with the classic three bears and three pigs. I'd write a fairy tale/fable about three special cats.
So this blog began with very little fanfare as just a place to jot down the daily activities of the boyz so when I finally got around to writing the great contemporary children's story, I would have plenty of background notes and adventures already chronicled making my project all the easier. (Making the project easier seemed important since I have absolutely no experience writing kids stories.)
I was surprised when someone actually found the blog and began reading it on a regular basis. Now that the audience seems to be up to a handful of people, I've just kept plugging away with the been there from the start notion that it is important to try to write something/anything daily. I'm not sure I'm gaining any ground on writing the great contemporary children's story but I'm happy I have found so many other wonderful pet related blogs out there along the way...
I really enjoy the way you write your blog. I enjoy learning about both you and the boyz.
First of all, it makes me very happy and proud that you think my blog is funny and entertaining! Secondly, I think there is room for all types of pet blogs: from the cat's perspective, from the owner's perspective, and any other interesting and creative idea. I like your blog!
I like your blog and I like the way it's written. Truth be told, I like it better than say Sassy's with all the strange photoshopped trips around the world. In fact, I was shocked into realizing Sassy was an actual cat the other day when they post a picture of her not photoshopped off somewhere. But that just me. Keep up the good job that you are doing!
You have a Mission Statement! We are impressed. What's a mission statement?
From Wikipedia (so you know it's gotta be true): "A mission statement is a brief statement of the purpose of a company, religious group or organization. Companies sometimes use their mission statement as an advertising slogan, but the intention of a mission statement is to keep members and users aware of the organization's purpose."
The boyz voted on and agreed to our mission statement.
I read your blog every day when I eat my lunch at my desk at work. You were very inspirational to me starting my own blogs for myself and for some of the animal organizations in which I am involved. Theo was a very special foster cat and I treasure all the news about him in his new life with you.
What a great "mission statement" :-) Anyway I love your blog, so keep up the great work :-D
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