Yesterday I went upstairs and found Thompson in the middle of the room staring off into space. I sez to him, "How's this boy doing?" And he immediately looked behind him and then back at me as if to say, "You talking to me?" I laughed and laughed...
Then later on I went downstairs and finally got around to unpacking my suitcase that was full of the week's dirty clothes. Diego-san of course had to hop into the suitcase as soon as it was empty. He spent several minutes inside and when he finally got out, Theo's curiosity was too much so he too had to hop inside the suitcase to see what Diego found so special about the enclosed space. As soon as he was inside and out of sight Diego went and stood by the bag and Theo suddenly popped his head out like a jack in the box. He startled Diego and I swear Diego jumped about two feet straight up into the air. Again I had to laugh and laugh...
It's good to be back with my boyz....
I can not even begin to describe the amusement we felines get from you humans.
Those are two very amusing incidents. I am very glad that you are back with your boyz again.
I'm glad you like Theo's limerick. Diego-san and Thompson are coming up next.
We just saw Karen Jo's limerik furr Diego-San and came by to say hello to you kitties as we hafn't met you befurr.
Diego-san, Theo & Thompson, it's a pleasure to meet you. Good work keeping your human amused - it's a full-time job, isn't it!
CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
& the Artsy Catsy cat staff
That's my thought too: if I can be very funny all the time, maybe my Mommie will never leave me, ever!
Hi Diego-San,
We just read about you on Karen Jo's blog and wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves. It's so very nice to meet you and to hear that your bean is home at last.
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