Saturday, September 09, 2006


I had a meeting in Buffalo, Minnesota, a city about an hours drive from my house. The meeting didn't start until 1:30 so I was planning on enjoying a leisurely morning with the boyz and then leaving around 11 a.m. so I would have a chance to eat lunch at a restaurant in Buffalo.

For whatever reason all three boyz were full of pep and mischief. Every time I walked up or down stairs either Theo or Diego or both would race up after me. Thompson was running around in the main level hall and bedroom. There wasn't a moment of peace to be found anywhere.

The drive was nice. The weather has been cool and crisp suggesting autumn is in the air. I got back home around five and was so tired I decided to lie down for a nap. I must have been more tired than I knew because I quickly fell asleep and was out like a lamp. An hour later I woke up groggy and disoriented. All three boyz surrounded me in my bed, suggesting too that they too were in need of a nap.

At night I went and saw Lyle Lovett and his large band give an eclectic performance.

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