Saturday, November 18, 2006

Food Obsessed Culture

I'm beginning to think I'm not feeding the boyz enough. Seems like when I'm home all they have on their mind is the next time I will feed them.

I've arranged our schedules so they get fed three times a day- that way rationing the food and ensuring none of the three eat all the food put out.

I feed them in the morning after I take my shower. Then I feed them when I get home from work. Finally their last meal is right before I go upstairs to get ready for bed.

Right now they are all obsessed with the procedures that proceed meal times like when I brush my teeth prior to going upstairs for bed, or changing clothes when I get home from work. They know that when I'm doing those things food is on the way so they get all excited and wait for any move toward the kitchen. Since at both Theo and Thompson's last vet visit I was told that they were beginning to get a little overweight- I put all three on diet food. I don't think it fills their tummies as much. I've thought about leaving extra food out but that kinda defeats the purpose of diet food.

I guess I'll have to find some activity they enjoy as much as eating to distract them between meals...

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