Thompson came upstairs last night as I was preparing to go to bed. He plopped himself down in the middle of the hallway. Theo then came upstairs extra wound up. He raced up and down the hallway. As he neared Thompson, Theo decided not to run around his housemate but instead use him as a hurdle. This went on three or four times- Thompson just sat there as Theo whizzed over him. Finally Thompson had enough and the sat up and snarled. This of course led to another wrestling match that ended the way many of their wresting matches end- with Thompson hissing at Theo.
That sounds like fun! I run around like that sometimes but I don't have a bro/sis to jump over. And I don't get close enough to the beans to play with them. I can't get enough of your pix of the boys. Hope you have a great day!
Uh Oh, it looks like Thompson is giving Theo the bitey!
When I get too wound up, my Mommie has to say "Daisy, settle DOWN!"
Love the picture. Hissing can be such fun!
Hehehe, rough kitties play! I don't have any kitty to play with but it is always good to come over and see what the Boyz are up to.
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