Diego-san ran down the stairs and checked out every square inch of the work. He didn't miss a spot, and occasionally he would squeal as if he either approved of the work or saw something he didn't like. And of course he ended up on top of the shelving unit that was added. It's the highest new place he could jump to where Theo and Thompson can't reach him...
Part of the basement where the washer and dryer are located, and where the litter boxes are usually located remains unfinished. There now is a door between the finished and unfinished portions of the lower wing. Because I want to keep this door closed, I had my contractor build a little tunnel that runs underneath the stairs and allows the boyz access to both parts of the basement. I've been a bit worried that Theo won't figure out this route and thus will not find where the litter boxes are. I don't know why I keep underestimating him. As soon as he ran downstairs the first thing he did was run back and forth through the tunnel...
Thompson was the least interested of the three in checking out the new space. He was reluctant to go downstairs and crept slowly down the stairs looking back at me for encouragement that it was OK to go downstairs again. He came back up and saw a moth flying around the living room. He stalked the intruder as best he could, struggling to follow the flutter with his own awkward hop. But he didn't give up and eventually cornered the moth where I could get at it and get it out of the house. Watching his determination was, as always, very inspiring.
I am so glad that your basement is almost finished. Your boyz will always surprise you with their ingenuity, I think. Good on Thompson for cornering the moth.
We cats are pretty smart and determined. I suspect that the moth had a little moth heart attack when he saw the mighty Thompson!
That tunnel sounds like lots of fun!
The tunnel looks very handy! We have a cat door to get out to our garage from the kitchen, but that looks even better!
How great you left a tunnel for the boys! They are really very lucky having you! :-)
Oh the tunnel sounds like lots of fun! What a great idea.
You didn't kill the moth for Thompson? When I chase moths around the house my Mum eventually kills them for me and I eat them, nom, nom, nom - is that wrong?
I think they must smell it. I'd not shown Tristan where the litter box was in the house, and he went straight for it, the minute he needed to relieve himself.
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