From my
Get Fuzzy daily calendar: "The Egyptian word for 'cat' is 'mau,' which means 'seer.' Ancient Egyptians believed cats possessed mystical power and revered them. When a cat died, its human family would shave their eyebrows in a sign of mourning. Today we know that cats are just stuck-up freeloaders."
We are not stuck up freeloaders at all. We agree that we certainly do have mystical powers. We are confident and secure cats accepting the kindness our Mom and family. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
You say "stuck-up freeloaders" like it's a bad thing...
Stuck up freeloaders? Kind of like the Twins?
Hahahahah! Well, I will admit to the "freeloader" part.
You need to have that something special to be a stuck-up freeloader for so many centuries. We kitties certainly have it. Put it down to talent, charisma, charm, subservient humans or whatever. So, there, don't be sour grapes!
GASP! Stuck up freeloaders! Oh dear, I can't sit by and let you say that! The boyz must have been annoyed too. Us cats should still be revered - or watch out - we shall shave your eyebrows whilst you sleep!
I like the Egyptian version better. Cats aren't complete freeloaders. They are wonderful for keeping mice, spiders and insects under control.
The Ancient Egyptians.... :-)
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