With all the house rearranging I've been doing recently I have to admit I find it highly amusing that every time I move a piece of furniture I end up finding about a dozen of the crinkly balls that Theo loves. He loves to play fetch and every time he hears me pick up one of the crinkly balls he comes running into the room full of expectation that we are about to play fetch. I've put all the crinkly balls I have found in the boyz's toy box and nearly all of them are gone again. When I'm not around he'll play a solo game of fetch batting the ball as far as he can and chasing after it. Theo just can't leave them alone...
Good to see you boyz posting so often. SS is busy and can't help me visit much and very little posting :(
Theo must be having a great time "losing" all the crinkly balls that you have been finding.
I am Not Allowed to have those crinkle balls because once, the green dye came off on my white furs!
Oh, those crinkly balls look like alot of fun. I bet the crinkly sound is very ......crinkly : )
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