Study finds health benefits to owning cats
McClatchy Newspapers
MINNEAPOLIS – Here, kitty kitty....
A new study suggests cat owners are less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than people who, well, don't own cats.
The study, by researchers at the University of Minnesota, found that feline-less people were 30 to 40 percent more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than those with cats.
Yet dog owners had the same rate as non-owners. "No protective effect of dogs as domestic pets was observed," said the study, which was presented Thursday at the International Stroke Conference in New Orleans.
Dr. Adnan Qureshi, a stroke expert at the university, said he decided to raise the question because other studies have suggested pets can help reduce stress. He and his team analyzed a group of 4,435 people who had answered questionnaires about pet ownership and other risk factors.
But the cat-dog differential came as a surprise. "We don't understand this completely," he said, but "it's probably not a coincidence."
Asked if he owns a cat, Qureshi replied: "No. Maybe I should get one, though. With this new research, I think the time has come to change."
–90 million cats are owned in the United States
–36 percent of U.S. households (or 38.4 million) own at least one cat
–56 percent own more than one cat
–74.8 million dogs are owned in the United States
–39 percent of U.S. households own at least one dog
Source: American Pet Products Manufacturers Assoc.
UPDATE: Theo stood on the floor underneath the kitchen table during 'our' time. He mewed so I pulled out the chair and he hopped on to that. With a little encouragement I got him to make the next leap, on to the kitchen table. Hopefully his confidence in his ability to make the whole leap will return shortly...
Yay for the information in cats reducing cardiovascular disease! I'm surprised that owning a dog doesn't reduce the chance of the disease at all. Dogs do provide love and comfort, too, though they don't purr. Congratulations to Theo on getting his alone time with you back. I hope he regains his confidence soon.
Robot dogs just as good as the real things in reducing the emptiness and loneliness of modern life. Do you suppose robot cats can reduce cardiovascular disease as well as real ones?
That's a lot of kitties! We want to point out that we own the himans, not the other way around ;-)
I am very happy that Theo is making progress towards regaining his confidence so he can enjoy his special time, too.
Poor Theo! I am glad he is trying to regain his confidence in order to spend special time with you!
That's a LOT of kitties in the US! There are only about 3 million kitties owned in Australia (yes, I am an Aussie kitty) and the numbers are falling drastically by the year.
Thanks for visiting, come again!
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