Theo loves to play fetch. As soon as he hears the sound of the crinkly balls that we have in multitude, he'll come running from wherever he is and wait for me to throw the ball so he can fetch it for me. Once the ball is in his mouth he'll saunter over and drop it near me waiting for the next throw. Problem is he'll evenutally bat the ball somewhere out of reach- under the couch usually and the game will come to an abrupt end unless he cries long enough for me to retrieve it for him. We must have about 100 of the crinkly balls and mice and none of them are in sight meaning all of them are under some piece of furniture.
Yesterday Theo expanded his options by grabbing a plastic ball and dropping it at my feet. This game of fetch actually ended with Theo tiring of the activity and me putting the ball back in the toy box.
I just bat the things under the furniture and leave them there.
I have tagged you for the Three Dreams Me-me. You can fetch it from my site!
I used to play fetch when I was younger, but I don't do it any more. I liked to fetch the plastic milk rigns!
Ahhhhhh.....I like that picture of Theo with a ball in his mouth, he is so cute and kittenish!
P.S. I also love the picture of Thompson in the tunnel from yesterday - very cute!
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