Theo got a reminder card in the mail today that he's due for a checkup at the vet. Since taking all three boyz to the vet is a bit too much of a chore, what I've done is take Theo by himself and then Thompson and Diego-san together later on. I think it's equally traumatic for Theo to have to go to the vet as it is being left all alone in the house without the rest of us...
Mieow! I am Momo. I came over from Kellie's blog. What a co-incidence - I have been thinking of doing a post on Cat's Eye and I noticed your blog name straightaway. Come over and visit - don't get too put off, my SS and I are a bit weird sometimes.
It must get lonely for Theo when he's left all alone in the house. I hope all goes well at the vet's.
Maybe you should just take them one at a time. Then no one is left alone in the house!
Poor Theo! My Mommie tried to take me and Pixie together one time and it was too stressful. For her!
Poor Theo, I can imagine him wandering around the house wondering where all you guys went!
My Mum says she can't imagine taking two at a time. She can barely lug me out to the car.
"And what do you mean by "lug" Mother! Are you insinuating I am fat? I'm just fluffy....and big boned..."
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