I got my Mac Mini back from repairs last night. I didn't realize how much I missed having a home computer until I had the Mini hooked up again. I basically use it to download music and podcasts and to keep my iPhone up to date. It's hard to believe that not that long ago the most complicated device in my home was an automatic coffeemaker.
There are those with simpler tastes... Theo's new favorite spot to sit in the house is on top of a bar stool I recently moved from my bedroom (where it served as a clothes holder) into my dining room area (where it will probably end up serving as a mail and bill holder). The move of the chair makes it a brand new thing for Theo to enjoy...
You are going to laugh, but my Mommie turns the seatwarmer on in her car if it is below 65 degrees in the morning!
Mini Mac...
Maybe you need a Mini Mouse as well?
I am also glad that you have a seatwarmer. Brrr! Theo looks like he is enjoying his new favorite spot very much. I wonder if he will push your stuff off or sit on top of it.
I am feeling much better. Whatever I had didn't last long. Thank you for your concern. Someday I will remember to put all I want to say in one comment.
Hmmm...it is gittin' cold in California, but yer town is MUCH colder!
P.S. Nice to meet ya!
Ahhh, Theo looks adorable sitting in his new spot! You should get a sisfur for the boyz and call her Mini : )
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