His spacey demeanor and blank facial look has led me to believe there isn't a lot going on behind that cute look of his. But give him this: he's figured out that when the automatic coffeemaker goes off in the morning that soon my alarm clock will sound and I'll pop out of bed. After my shower he'll be fed his breakfast. Thus he has taken to hoppin up on my chest with the sound of the coffeemaker and then nudgin his noggin against my own, in an all out attempt to speed up the fill his tummy fillin process.
That is some good figuring on Thelonious' part. Is the "get the human up a bit earlier" bit working?
Last year, when my human go to get spayed, she buy me a feeder that holds about 3 pounds of dry food. So I always have food available. Unlike some cats, it will not sit there and try to munch it all down at one time.
It was supposed to be a weekend feeder, but all that crunchy food lasts for much longer than a weekend!
Yep, I knew he was a little smarty!
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