I was driving home from work this afternoon and was at a stoplight a couple miles up the same road that last month my Honda Civic was totaled when a jeep rammed into me. Ever since that accident I've tensed up when I'm stopped at a light or a stop sign and I notice a car approaching me from behind going what I consider to be too fast.
Today at that light a Chevy Impala was causing me anxiety and sure enough, whap- it hit my shiny red Mini Cooper. I was not hurt, but I was quite miffed. I got out of my car and started screaming at the driver (a middle aged gentleman). "What the hell were you doing?" I shouted. "I guess I spaced out," the man said. He apologized, gave me his name, number and insurance information. The Mini doesn't show any visible damage but I was rather wound up by the time I got home.
Thank god for the boyz calming abilities. I told the three attentive souls what just happened and they all looked at me with their big round eyes and suddenly I wasn't so mad at the world anymore. It may not be a safe place but living with Thompson, Theo, and Diego-san makes it feel just a little bit safer if only for a moment.