Friday, March 22, 2024


Someone has started unrolling toilet paper rolls. The obvious suspect is Kenta because this never happened before he joined us. I came home to a completely unrolled roll at the bottom of the stairs last week. Yesterday I came home and someone had shredded half the roll. Kenta isn’t the only suspect though. Norma loves to investigate everything in the bathroom.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz…when ya inn vite de naybor cat over
fora wee bit oh nip, any thing can happen
( uze thiz eggz cuze on dad ) happee week
end two all, hope yur knot gettin 85 feetz
oh snow ❄️🙀🙀🙀🐟💚

The Island Cats said...

Kenta may be teaching the other 2 how fun that is.