Thursday, November 07, 2019

Sweet Boy

I forgot to mention but when Theo visited the vet last week to get his pee tested he had an empty bladder so I had to leave him there for the morning. (I wonder how they got the pee? In an empty litter box? A needle? I didn’t want to ask.) The vet tech who returned him to me said, “He’s the sweetest cat ever!!!" I don’t disagree. He loves to rub up against people and purr away... Sweet, sweet Theo.


Mickey's Musings said...

Those Vets do have their ways ;)
Hope the results will be good.
Theo sounds like a charmer :)
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

Timmy Tomcat said...

Theo we hope you pee is purrfect and all is fine

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood.....we hope yur testz waz.... & ternz out aye oh kay...

we due knot like ta pee on dee mand either...tell dad if him
hasta dee liverz a sam pull...him can put sum fish gravel...noe joke...
in de bottom oh de box ...coz when ya use it, it will just....bee ther...
de gravel canna "soak it up" like litter doez....


catladymac said...

We hope that his pee tests out purrfect !

pilch92 said...

Sweet and handsome.

Denise said...

And vet techs meet a LOT of cats!!