I had an early evening softball game but the only way I was going to be able to make that was to leave work early, which I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do. Plan B was I had a ticket to go see the pop group Squeeze play at the Minnesota Zoo. The weather forecast called for rain most of the day with a chance of some severe thunderstorms.
So, if I made it to my softball game I'd probably be home around 9 p.m. If I went to the concert, I probably wouldn't make it home until after 11 p.m. If it rained hard and I came straight home, I'd be home by 6 p.m. Thompson didn't look too thrilled when I told him I wasn't sure when I'd be home. I packed up my softball uniform and my Squeeze ticket and left for work.
When I got to work it dawned on my I had left my bat and glove at home so if I was going to play softball, I was going to have to go back home first. This meant that I had to leave work even earlier then I expected. And that's what I did. So the boyz's schedule wasn't too disrupted and they were happy to see me come home earlier, rather than much later than I normally do...
Definitely mind control! LOL.
Yep...we think Thompson had something to do with you forgetting your bat and glove...
But... didya get to see Squeeze? Mom likes dem... an da Minnesota Zoo. Her an da boy wented dere once in 1999 (ainchent hisstry!).
Kittehs, be careful bout usin mind control - yur mom's suspishus.
Purrs, Victor
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