Monday, December 09, 2024


I was having yet another horrible anxiety attack. Kenta came over and placed his paw on my hand. We were holding hands! He’s an amazing cat and I love how he does all he can to fit in with Alias, Norma and me. 


Mickey's Musings said...

Kenta sounds like he makes a purrfect emotional support cat :)
I think he will be able to fit in , ay leasy I hope so.
He seems to have goos qualities.
Purrs Winnie

Gidget Blue Sky said...

kenta izza angel on erf!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cats are smart like that; a few years ago, my mom was having a terrible time with catching her breath after being in the sun too long...she came in and dai$y stayed by her side until she was better ~~~

HI PAWZ to ewe kenta ♥♥♥