Monday, January 10, 2022


We have a new nightly routine. Alias loves to play fetch with a toy mouse (I call it mousie). It’s really old, I think it pre-dates Thompson and Diego-San and belonged to Mr. Max. But no one ever had an interest in playing with it until Alias.

He can carry it in his mouth and will retrieve it and bring it back to me until I get tired and stop throwing it. However, Norma wants to play too only she doesn’t play fetch. Instead she intercepts my throws, knocks the mousie down and then plays with it. She’s remarkably athletic, timing her leaps perfectly. She’d make a great NFL cornerback. So Alias patiently waits until his sister is finished and then he’ll bring the mousie back to me to resume our game of fetch.

They know I keep the mousie in the bathroom drawer when we are finished, and now every time I open that drawer Norma runs over thinking the mousie is making another appearance…



Mickey's Musings said...

How cool that Alias likes to play fetch :)
Great exercise.
Norma...MOL! She knows how to stay in shape!
Purrs, Julie

da tabbies o trout towne said... kewl iz thiz !!! and theo, we gotta ask buddy; which
"teem" due ewe root for ;) ♥♥☺☺

The Island Cats said...

That sounds like a fun routine!