Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Health Report

It’s been a rough couple of months for Diego-San health wise. He has good days and he has bad days. Days when he doesn’t eat anything and is lethargic and other days when he’s super amorous and attention seeking.

Last week he had a few bad days in a row so I called to make an appointment at the vet. The soonest they could get him in was yesterday. He perked up a little over the weekend but I kept the appointment. Turned out he was really constipated again and his anal glands (a lifelong problem) needed to be expressed (the vet said they were the size of grapes- she had never seen anal glands so swollen. So I left him at the vet and they expressed the glands and gave him an enema. I’m going to have to do a better job at monitoring his ‘output’ to see when he’s getting constipated...Diego-San avoided me the rest of the day... I don’t blame him.

P.S. I was a little surprise at Theo. He didn’t seem at all concerned about Diego-san’s absence during the day. Usually when I drag one of the boyz off in the dreaded carrier the other(s) gather and seemed alarmed to be minus one. And when all are back home everyone in the house traditionally gets a treat to reward all the trauma. Theo didn’t seem to even notice Diego-San was gone. And upon our return he smelled his brother but then went about his routine.


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I hope the treatments Diego got at the vet (awful as they must have been for him) help him have lots of good days, and not so much bad ones.

Mickey's Musings said...

We send big purrs to Diego. Our Georgia (17) also has constipation issues and has had to have Vet help at times.She is not a robust eater either.
We purr he is feeling better. We send purrs and head butts.
Purrs,Georgia and Julie

da tabbies o trout towne said...

diego; been ther dood....two manee timez, then me diet waz changed N knock wood thiz problem seemz ta have leeved de building....noe joke.....eye eat, N sew doez mackerull coz de gurlz knot gonna buy 90 diffrunt kindz oh kibble; we eat hills ID { plus itz got sum stuff in ther ta help urinary two } and we get dropz oh humarian probiotics in R canned at nite....knot tryin ta promote, but they due ...due de trix !!

theo: eye heer ya buddy ~~~~~ signed mackerull :) ♥♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

Our Buddy Budd got constipated and I started giving him Laxatone Hairball remedy which seems to work well. It just takes a small dab on the top of the paw and he would lick it off. Hope that little bit helps. Purrs Diego San

pilch92 said...

Poor Diego, that sounds like an awful ordeal.

The Island Cats said...

Poor Diego-San. We hope he’s feeling better. Did the vet suggest anything for the constipation? You could start giving him miralax mixed in his food. About 1/8 tsp once a day to start and seen if it keeps him regular. Having a cat with megacolon (Zoey), I’m quite familiar with dealing with a constipated cat.