Greetings! Hope all is well with you and yours. 2009 sure was a long year for the boyz and David. This was mostly due to David accidentally changing the clocks back in the spring instead of ahead. Boy did that blunder sure throw things off the rest of the year. The appointments missed, the sleep lost…
Much of Diego-san’s year was spent being groomed. The whole family took turns but Diego especially enjoyed the nightly strokes of the furminator. Diego’s fondness for the furminator became so strong that David looked unsuccessfully into 12-step programs. With the nightly ball of Diego’s fur, the house project became building a life sized statue/monument honoring Diego’s self proclaimed greatness.
Thompson continues to hobble around (in the best sense of that word). He sure enjoys long communal naps and isn’t picky who he chooses to nap with. He also enjoys long (or longing) gazes out the window. His gazes suggest that Thompson could share some great stories about his days as an outdoor cat (perhaps next year). Thompson continues to be the glue that holds the household together, the one everyone turns to when turning to is necessary.
As everyone who has ever visited can attest, Theo is far and away the best licker in the house (especially since his chief competition is the cheap whiskey stored somewhere in one of the messy cabinets). Theo loves to lick David’s freshly showered legs in the morning. He loves to lick his brothers (much to Diego-san’s chagrin), and he loves to lick his own tail like a self contained pacifier. Because Theo can be a little squirrely, David is really proud of his ability to hold his licker.
And so it goes. Sorry for the brevity of this year’s holiday letter but the household is still trying to catch up from that daylight savings time blooper/gaffe. Everyone got through the year mostly unscathed except for a few bumps and bruises and an occasional concussion. Here’s to a great 2010.
All the best,
dma, thompson, diego-san, and theo
We look forward to some of the stories from Thompson, I bet they are very exciting.
We wish all of you in Minisoda a very happy new year!
Great end-of-year letter!
A very Happy New Year.
We can see you all are wearing your laser eyes to celebrate today!!
We wish you all a Happy New New!!
That's Happy New YEAR!
Happy New Year!
It's a rare cat who can hold his likker!
May 2010 find you once again in sync with the clock! Don't go turning them back again or you'll really be screwed.
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