Of course with all the box destruction and moving stuff from the basement to my main level bedroom and office, the boyz got pretty riled up. Diego came downstairs and of course had to be right in the middle of wherever we were working. Thompson, who adores M-, showed his growing courage by exploring the basement much more thoroughly than I've ever seen him explore.
Theo remained mostly out of sight. When I did see him I could tell he was a bit frightened. When he gets that way he walks as low to the ground as he can and alternates between standing still in full observation mode and running away as soon as anything gets too close.
I'm like Theo, I don't like commotion. I like everything in my house to stay the same - always.
Commotion makes me very scairt. Because it is usually very quiet at my house. I think walking low to the ground might make you invisible. That is my theory, anyway.
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