I was shaking the bed sheets out and noticed a lump caught in their elasticized corner. Upon closer inspection I saw the lump was comprised of several pair of boxer shorts. "I got my undies in a bunch," I sez to Diego-san. Oh the laugh we had...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Laundry Day
I was shaking the bed sheets out and noticed a lump caught in their elasticized corner. Upon closer inspection I saw the lump was comprised of several pair of boxer shorts. "I got my undies in a bunch," I sez to Diego-san. Oh the laugh we had...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ebony and Ivory
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Foot in the Mouth
Last night I came home from a disappointing softball loss. We were up 14-8 going into the final at bat and the other team essentially stopped swinging the bat and walked their way to a win. I'm not quite sure why some teams are so willing to take borderline pitches for walks in a co-ed slow pitch softball league. Swing the blippin bat.
Anyway... my legs have been bothering me more and more during the games. There are times they tingle like they are falling asleep but the biggest ache is in the back of my knees. I'm thinking if my legs continue to bother me after softball is over I may go to the doctor and have them looked at. So I'm moaning to the boyz about how much my legs are hurting and I look down to see the one paying the most attention to my rant is Thompson.
Ever since I adopted him, Thompson has been an inspiration to me. The loss of a leg hasn't slowed him down all that much and most of the time it doesn't occur to me that his disability does make him different from Theo and Diego. But while Diego's walk/run is a swagger and Theo's is a saunter, Thompson has to get around with a clunky clop. It's normal for a cat to have smooth, fluid, graceful movement. That isn't possible for Thompson any more. And as much as he tries to keep up with the other two, he really can't. Yet if Thompson really wants to do something, really wants to get somewhere, he will. And he, more than the other boyz, makes sure he lets me know how much he appreciates having a safe home to live in. He doesn't like visitors or the unexpected. The day to day routine, my showing up every evening (he's always the one waiting for me in a window) to provide food and face rubs, all that is his life now, Thompson lets me know matters.
So really Thompson didn't need to hear me whining about a few aches in my legs.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
One Step Ahead
He's a determined and smart boy.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Whole Lotta Kitties
Sylvia isn't too fond of me as she spends all the time hidden underneath the sofa every time I go over to my dad's. I guess I can't blame her though, she probably could smell a half dozen other cats in my clothes.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Soothing Saturday
Friday, August 22, 2008
Matter of Degree
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Speech... Speech
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
His Security Pants
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tic Tac Toe
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sleep on This
Theo's routine consists of jumping up on my chest or lap and kneading me. He hops down, meows and heads off to the kitchen. This repeats itself every fifteen minutes or so. He knows if I put out the last meal of the day, I'll then go upstairs and get ready for bed. Fortunately for him, I've been pretty tired this week and haven't stayed up past 9:00.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
More Talk
Since my return Thompson has been extra talkative. I think he's letting me know how difficult the change in schedules, the uncertainty over when the next meal would be put out, and the lack of someone to rub his face, really was.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Whose Gift Is It?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Health update: I brought him to the vet last Thursday before I left on my trip west. She said his burn hadn't gotten any worse but hadn't gotten any better either. The scab was starting to peel off so she told me to keep an eye on it and look at the burn once the scab fell off. When I got home last night the scab was still on his back and I touched it and Diego didn't seem to care for that much. This morning the scab was no longer there but the skin underneath didn't look too bad other than it being much redder than normal. Hopefully the healing will accelerate and we can put the entire incident behind us...
Diego and I Watching a Movie
Parker posted this Simon Tofield cat cartoon on her website this morning. It's a blow by blow account of Diego-san and I watching a movie together.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wedding Day
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
Another Trip
Thursday, August 07, 2008
My Turn
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
That Wascal Wabbit
My sister is allergic to cats so she has a couple of bunnies for pets. My dad and my friend M- both have told me that rabbits continue to eat their hostas but I haven't had that same problem. Thus I have learned to come to enjoy the rabbits in my yard. The only nuisance is that one of them likes to sit underneath the window that Thompson likes to look out of. To me it's almost a taunt- the rabbit surely knows Thompson is there and unable to jump through the screen to catch him.
Well the welcome might be over. The tomatoes in my garden have just started getting ripe and I have been paying particular attention to three that were nice sized and slowly turning red. I thought about picking one of the three as I went by my garden on my way to work but decided to leave it be and pick it when I got home. One of my summer loves is that I love fresh tomatoes out of the garden. While all the other plants in my yard have suffered from the lack of moisture in these parts, I have diligently kept my tomato plants watered.
When I got home from work and went to enjoy my first tomato of the season, I noticed it was half eaten. I figured I hadn't noticed some insects had been eating my tomatoes. I picked the next ripest tomato and brought it into the house figuring I could let it finish ripening inside. When I looked closer at this tomato I noticed some bite marks. This suggested some animal had decided to sample my summer's worth of hard work. Suspect number one, two, three, and four? Mr. Bunny and his family.
I wouldn't think of doing violence to an animal but the thought did occur to me that maybe I should loosen the screen from Thompson's window and let nature take its course. I might be being a bit unfair since I'm not even sure it was the rabbits that ate some of my tomato. Is there such a thing as a tomato eatin rabbit?
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
One Time One Night

I've never seen Los Lonely Boys before. They rocked the place.
The biggest faux pas both bands committed was that Cesar Rosas from Los Lobos and Henry and Jojo Garza from Los Lonely Boys committed the cardinal sin by continually thanking "Minneapolis." Technically the Zoo is in the suburb of Apple Valley and at the very least the guys could have thanked Minneapolis and St. Paul since we are the Twin Cities after all. Someone must have gotten to Cesar because halfway through Los Lobos' set he corrected himself and started thanking "Minneapolis AND St. Paul..."
I felt so bad for Renee and even though I never met him, I'll miss Morpheus.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Movie Critics
I've enjoyed Tykwer's other films especially "Run Lola Run" and "The Princess and the Warrior." His movies are always interesting visually and storywise. He does have the tendency to be a bit bizarre and "Perfume" may be his weirdest film yet. It essentially asks the cinematic question, if you don't smell are you really alive? I had never thought to ask that question before but the movie does a good job capturing the sense of smell even though it's pretty hard to smell a movie.
Maybe because the boyz have a much keener smelling ability than mine they just thought the story was silly.
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Saturday, August 02, 2008
Loyalty... To an Extent
Friday, August 01, 2008
No Soup for You

Today was the first day that I've had soup since the INCIDENT. You might well ask why I am eating so much hot soup during the hot days of summer. Good question. I've been enjoying Japanese noodles (udon) for dinner several times a week for the past month or so. I boil the noodles and add the broth and then pour the soup over vegetables. It's easy to make, cheap, healthy and I haven't tired of it. So today as I was boiling my water I looked at Diego-san and asked, "Care for some soup?" He didn't look too amused.
When it was done cooking I carefully carried the bowl to the living room. Diego eyed me but did not run up. He also showed no signs of fear. I doubt he's forgotten the incident but at the same time unlike some of us, he's seems willing to not let the outside scar become an inside scar as well.
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