Monday, June 28, 2021

So Sorry Lil Buddy

I didn’t see Theo sitting behind me and I swung my arm bonking him in the nose with my elbow. He spent the next minute sneezing. As if his life isn’t hard enough…


  1. Aw Theo, I bet that did not feel too good.
    Accidents do happen when we are close to humans.
    I bet you got lots of scritches to make up for getting elbowed.

    Purrs, Julie

  2. Oh Theo - your human is sorry. Sometimes you kitties are so quiet we lose track of you. (One of my kitties always sneezes when she drinks water, because she sticks her nose to far in.)

  3. I hope Theo forgave you for that. Some treats might help. ;)

  4. dood....ya noe what thiz callz for dont cha.....ewe guessed it....when dadz a sleep...
    try for round 3.29 aye em

