Tuesday, June 29, 2021


I was in a video on meeting and Alias found a new place to rest to my left just off camera. I thought he looked so cute that I almost shut my video meeting camera off so I could sneak a picture of Alias. Fortunately he stayed in the box until after the meeting was over…


  1. I bet it was hard to concentrate on the meeting with such cuteness so close at hand ;)
    I know mum would have been distracted ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  2. dood....tell yur dad next time ta put like a towelz over de screen and him can say....oopz tech problem....then go a bout snappin sum fotoz...takin a brake....gettin sum snax ~~~ ;) ☺☺♥3

  3. He fit in that box purrfectly!
