Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Three Pound Monsters

Tried a slow visual introduction of Norma, and Alias to Theo. Theo had been sitting quietly on the sofa next to me so I put his siblings in their carrier and brought them into the room. Theo was having none of it. His tail got big and his eyes got bigger. Norma clearly was curious about her new brother, sticking out her paw through the door. Alias was a little more wary, moving to the back of the carrier. Theo spent the rest of the afternoon hiding under the bed. I’m going to keep slowly finding a way to get them used to each other.


  1. It's a process. I know you all will get there.

  2. I agree, it is a slow process, but worth it in the end.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Theo will warm up to them in time. Come on big fellow they are just little scraps of fur

  4. do I dare post that I kept mackerull away from tuna for three months; they could see each other thru the plastic shower curtain liner I had hung up across the door way but...

    ......mackerull was feral though and I wanted him to have all his vaccines before nose to nose with tuna ~

  5. It may take some time...but we know things will get better. Slow and steady wins the war. :)

  6. So cute. I am sure they will all get along eventually.
