Monday, November 09, 2020

The Pride

 Meet Alias (the dark tabby) and Norma (the blonde). It’s hard to get good pictures of either since they are constantly in motion. They had been fostering at my boss’ family’s home for the past three months. They were in a litter of six and were the last two to leave because Norma got an infection after her ‘surgery.’ My boss’ wife said she was glad I was adopting the two together since from the start they had bonded and were the closest of the siblings.

I’ve never lived with kittens before and they have crazy energy. I cleaned out a room that hadn’t been used for two years (Thompson peed on the carpet and I just threw boxes from my time in Minnetonka in there so it has been a big closet) for them to stay in the first few nights. While cleaning the room I found a toy my dad had bought the boyz several years ago. It’s a fuzzy ball attached to a wire. There’s a battery base so when it’s turned on the fuzzy ball moves in a random jerky fashion. The boyz would play with it for a minute or so and then grow bored. Alias played with it for 20 minutes straight without it even being turned on, let his sister have a turn and then resumed.... Theo’s freaked. I had many good years with the boyz. I hope to have just as many with the pride.

And it’s my birthday today. They might be the greatest birthday gift of all time.


  1. Happy birthday! I would say you are right about these two being your best gift ever.

  2. Sounds like these two cuties are settling in well :)
    I also think they are the best present.
    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie and Nancy

  3. A Very Happy Birthday!
    They are sweet and will keep going and going and going... and plop over asleep. Theo will get used the them and they him

  4. alias N norma, we iz BUZZED happee ta meet ewe both; welcome ta blogland,
    welcome ta yur for everz new home !!! me, mackerull, can give ya 103,682,055
    new kitten tipz if ya want.....lemme noe !!

    theo, dood, I feel for ya buddy....trooth dood......trooth ~~~~~ tuna

    N a most happee 21st two yur dad :) hope hiz day total lee rox N we due
    bee leeve... de best oh all prezentz....iz for sure.....rite ther ♥♥♥♥♥

  5. Happy Birthday to you - and we hope your gift to yourself and Theo turns out to be a happily ever after !

  6. OMC! Alias and Norma are adorable! Congratulations on the new family members. Kittens can be a handful...but SO worth it...watching them grow up. And Happy Birthday!!
