Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The vet couldn't find anything physically wrong with Thompson. He gave me some anti-inflammation medicine to give to Thompson the next few days.  The working theory is he might have taken a fall and has lost some of his confidence in his walking ability.

When we got home I was kind of hoping the other boyz would leave him alone but Theo thought it was his brotherly duty to keep his brother company.  (Diego-san was also very accommodating during dinner time, not doing his usual nudge Thompson aside and 'share' in more food.) 


  1. How sweet is that, Diego-san washing the vet stink off his brother! And how maddening, the vet not being able to give a firm diagnosis. Fingers and paws crossed that Thompson is better tomorrow.

    xx the Horde and Mommy Trish

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Awww... at least Brother is showin' the lovin'

    Yes, I agree, Mommy Trish, quite maddening... sometimes we cats stump our doctors.

    Putting our paws together with getting well thoughts.

    ~Brooch Czarina and Book Marquis, the Mommies too :-)

    ((huggles to you all))

  3. We hope Thompson improves soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. That is pretty sweet. We sure hope Thompson is feeling better tomorrow.

  5. Oh my goodness, how frightening for both him & you! Hope the vet is correct with that theory and he improves with the meds.
    That is absolutely wonderful video of Theo taking care of his brother!
    Will be looking for an update tomorrow...Give Thompson some gentle pettings from me & my boys.
