Friday, December 16, 2011

Playful T

One word that rarely describes Thompson is "playful." Playing with cat toys is challenging because to do it upright means trying to time batting the toy with hopping to maintain balance. Usually when he plays he does so on his side and often substitutes his back paws or his nose for his missing front leg. Last night for some reason he was in an extra playful mood, hiding inside the empty spot in one of our cat scratchers and then later batting the ball around in this toy. I didn't have my camera handy and just caught the last moments of playtime. Somehow though, to see Thompson play ALWAYS makes me feel happy.


  1. I never considered the play aspect with only one front leg. It IS nice to see Thompson play!

  2. Brought tears to my eyes. Happy boy.

  3. Thompson is an inspiration!
    We're glad you can enjoy toys, handsome boy!

  4. Tee..heh..You are so cute, Thompson
    Your play brought me and my mom lots of smile : )
    and Thanks so much to purrs for me.

  5. Thompson, that was fun to watch!
