Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Club

It only took me a year and a half, but I finally introduced myself to other members in the special club I belong to.

I was out shoveling my front sidewalk when the couple I see many mornings walking their dog passed on by. I said hello and I told them how much I enjoy seeing their three-legged dog hopping along enjoying his walk. I told them about Thompson and they introduced me to their dog, Rusty. I mentioned that living with Thompson can often be very inspiring- to see how he has adapted to his life's circumstances, how he interacts with his brothers, and how appreciative he is about the home he has found. They told me living with Rusty is equally as rewarding and what a great dog he is. I was so glad that we finally met.


  1. The Three-legged Club? How wonderful! It really is inspiring to see how animals (and humans) cope with their disability.

  2. It's so good to know there are animals out there who have lovely lives even though they live with disabilities - and very good to know they have wonderful people to care for them :-)
